
Thursday, April 5, 2012

hotel curtains

Last night I was up way too late going through all the video I shot while on my trip to Tennessee. I'm really excited about putting everything together in a fun video. One of the reasons I upgraded my camera was for the HD video capabilities... I love movement and films and I'm excited to step into that world just a bit. I don't have very much knowledge (technical knowledge anyway...), but so far i've had fun with it anyway.

I still have so many clips to go through before I can put everything together, but I pulled this one of my baby sister out of the bunch. The song is by Sucré called,  Hiding Out. I had the song on repeat last night so to me it just seemed to fit the video nicely. 

I have tomorrow off from my office day job and i'm so excited for a bit of rest. My big sis is coming home and I plan on doing a lot of hanging about, drinking starbucks and maybe some shopping. 

Xx christine 


  1. Wow, Lilly is way more cooperative for filming than any of us Mills' ever were.

  2. [: she's gotten used to now i think; she'd probably make a pretty good actress.
