
Friday, July 6, 2012

Phil & Jesse

I can't believe so much time has already gone by since the wedding, it's consumed my life for the last two weeks and now I'm just tired. I don't have much to say other than it was wonderful and I was sad to see everyone go. 

The film Grace and I put together was very much an experiment for me. I knew what I wanted to see and feel artistically, but I went into it with the very basics of what I was doing technically. I'm so happy that Jesse trusted me with capturing such an important moment in her life.
That combined with the deadline for this to be finished I have to be content with the end result. I spent a little bit of time beating myself up because I felt like there's so much more I could have done and so many ways that it could be so much better.  But I had to let that go and let it be what it is. So I decided to be really happy with how everything turned out... I learned so much! Grace was a huge help on this... I can't tell you how much I owe her.

Anyway.. this is it:

Here are just a few of my favorites from the whole event... there are more on my facebook page.




  1. Love it, love it, love itttt!!! :)

  2. love them! the last two are so especially beautiful that i actually teared up...and i don't even know the couple!!

    1. awwww! I always hope I can capture moments that stir up emotion like that. [:
